Thursday, September 26, 2024

Migrations from NC to Ohio and Indiana

 My research Winter/Spring 2024 culminated in the talk that I gave at the Hollingsworth gathering in Ohio about what I believed to be the migration path of the Quaker families from Bush River MM to the Miami river valley in the first decade of the 1800s.  

Joe sent me a link to a site this morning that has more information about these migration routes.  The one that he sent me actually went another direction.  It left Chatham County, NC and traveled up through Randolph County to Cane Creek MM in NC.  The quaker families that traveled via wagon train in 1815 took a different route than the one I described in June.  They traveled to Lost Creek MM in Jefferson Co TN.  

I didn't want to lose this link so I am posting it here:

This link connects to an actual diary and also other migrations.  

Saturday, September 7, 2024


 I don't usually put things on my public blogs about who I am.  But this morning there was an article written by Melissa Kirsch about the fact that she is a lapsed Tennis fan.  While I have never been much of a professional tennis fan, I understood the fact that she had given up a passion.  My husband was an enthusiastic golfer and so at our house we followed golf rather than tennis as well as Marshall University's football team.  However, I have to admit both of these passions belonged to my husband .....not to me.

But I liked what Melissa said and wanted to capture it:

If we define ourselves by who and what we love, and I think we should, then it’s valuable to love as many things as we can, to accumulate enthusiasms and lean into them, to hold onto passions when we discover them and not let them fall away. This way, our identities become rich, multidimensional, expansive. ....

                                                                                                                        María Jesús Contreras

I love her illustration.  It reminds me of my days in the stands with my husband.  Clearly this woman is not paying very close attention to the match going on....that would have been me at a football or basketball game.  

Sunday, September 1, 2024

Cane Creek Dispute involving Charity Cook, Charity Wright and Herman Husband

 In the midst of my early September "busyness" Joe sent me the following paragraph.  I did not want to loose the several thoughts that I would like to look at when I have a bit more spare time:

   Charity Cook (m. Brock) just below them is of interest to me.  Her mother Charity Wright was of convicted (not the right word but it will do) of having pre-marital sex in 1761 Cane Creek, North Carolina and that started a fury among the Quakers that became known as the the Cane Creek Dispute. A couple of results were that Charity's mother Rachel Wright, a Quaker minister, and Herman Husband were both Disowned and that caused very serious rift in the North Carolina Quaker community. Many supporters of Herman, including both my Day and Jones families, then left Cane Creek and went to Georgia and formed a new Quaker colony at Wrightsborough in 1767.   Herman would continue as a Non-Quaker in North Carolina until he provoked the Battle of Alamance in 1771.  He escaped that and returned to Pennsylvania and there he would later provoke the Whisky Rebellion.


Friday, August 9, 2024

Campbell/Hays/Handley in Borden grant in 1739

 I was chatting with Elaine today about her Campbell family and the fact that she might join a lineage society with her connection to this family line.  I worked on my Campbell family several years ago and I believe it very likely that Elaine and I are cousins of some sort from our connections to the Campbells.  

Several months ago our DAR chapter had a member die who had held many offices in our chapter.  But always her passion had been genealogy.  Her name was Barbara Rutledge.  I attended the funeral with several of the women who had been in the chapter with Barbara.  Her daughter asked us if we would help her with her promise to her mother to find a good place to house her research and I agreed to take this responsibility.  I had lots of fun looking at Barbara's research.  She had had a very amazing genealogy life.  Her maiden name was McClure and I was able to find a woman in Ohio who was a member of the Allen County genealogical society and promised to make Barbara's research available in the location.  Barbara's McClure's live in that area for at least two or three generations.

But then I found I wished that I had known Barbara in the years she was doing research!  I figured out that her ancestor lived next door to my own ancestor in 1739 on the Beverley Patent in Virginia.  What might we have learned if we had worked together on this neighborhood?

You can see my own ancestor, Patrick Campbell (colored in pink) while her ancestor, Finley McClure is colored in Yellow. 

 The book The Campbell Clan In Virginia which I viewed at the DAR library in DC says that Patrick's wife was Delilah Thompson.  And that the couple had four sons and three daughters. This source is
Historical Sketches of the Campbell, Pilcher and Kindred Families: Including the Bowen, Russell, Owen, Grant, Goodwin, Amis, Carothers, Hope, Taliaferro, and Powell Families (Classic Reprint) by Margaret Campbell Pilcher.  The author names two of the daughter's and gives family information about them.  She does not name Grissell, but the fact that Grissell's grandmother Campbell was also named Grissell assures me that indeed she was a daughter of Patrick Campbell.  

Ms Pilcher names the children of Patrick as:  Son, William , son, Charles who served in the French and Indian Wars between 1742 and 1752 (Charles is the father of the William Campbell who led patriot forces at Kings Mountain)  and James who is named in road orders.  Daughters are Mary who married William Christian and Martha who married William Edmonson.  Grissell is not named in the book even though Ms Pilcher says there were three daughters.  Grissell married John Handley and I descend through their daughter Margaret who married William Clendenin.

Friday, July 19, 2024

Baptisms in the Christ Evangelical Lutheran Church

 Kim reached out to me last week about some Baptism records she wanted for proofs for a supplemental she is preparing papers for for the DAR.  She had found the locked key above the records on Family Search and traveled to the Barboursville library to see if she could access these records in our library.  I was very happy to hear that Family search had sent her to our library.  However, the records still were not accessible from the affiliate library.  So the librarians there gave her my number.

I am always excited to learn something new!  Family Search suggested that the images were available on the Find My Past site.  And indeed they are right there.  These images are held by the Pennsylvania Historical Society who I assume have entered into an agreement with Find My Past.  So below are the images that I found for Kim.  You will have to manipulate them to read as they are too hard to read when I add them to the site in a smaller format.

There was a  third image for the third child born to George Rumbaugh and his wife Anna but I had put it in the trash and it is too hard to figure out.  

But I wanted to add the following for my own information.  Almost certainly these images are from the baptisms in the 

Christ Evangelical Lutheran Church. This church is still located in Elizabethtown, PA as the address on their website is: 75 East High Street, Elizabethtown, PA 17022

Here is a screen shot from my blog that shows that this location makes excellent sense for where George Rumbaugh would have been living in the 1780s 

hmmmmm.....I could not get the screen shot to download to this blog post....I give up.  Here is the URL for the original map from which I took the screenshot.  It is a VERY wonderful map of Lancaster County's Townships.

Saturday, June 22, 2024

Sammons and Revolutionary War

 My cousin, Hank, who did yDNA testing for me many years ago for our mutual Sammons line, sent me a text today asking for information and suggesting he has a friend who wants to prove Revolutionary service if it exists for our line.  First I spiffed up my Ancestry tree a little bit and then sent a link to Hank.  Then I decided to address this question since I am spending crazy amounts of time proving other people's patriots.

The Roland Salmons who is our ancestor was born in 1750 and died in 1819, so he is an excellent possibility for being a patriot.  And indeed my notes say that he took the oath of allegiance in Henry County, Virginia in 1777.  He was also listed on the tax records in 1782 at Henry County, Virginia.  And he is listed in Abercrombie and Slatten Virginia Revolutionary War Public Claims, Vol2, p514 for providing bacon and supplies to the troops for which he was paid.

Roland would have been married to his first wife Elizabeth at when he signed the oath of allegiance.  He would have had young children in his home as it seems these first children were born in the 1700s.  As far as I know Roland did not actually fight in the war.  But these three things would qualify Roland/Rowland Salmons/Sammons as a patriot for the DAR or SAR.  I looked on the DAR site and he does not seem to have ever had a member prove his service which seems VERY surprising because he certainly has a great many descendants.  Perhaps I should get someone else to look for me to be sure I am not overlooking anything.

Next I looked for John Salmons (father of Rowland).  He seems to have been proven as a patriot for the SAR for his service as a private in the war in Duchess County, NY.  Again I can not find anyone who has joined the DAR as a descendant of John Salmons.  

All very interesting!  Going to work on this a bit more.   Oh, wait the information on the SAR site gave me the idea to take the s off the end of Salmon....and John does show up!  And Rowland shows up as well with that didn't make any sense that they had never been proven before....And it is beyond interesting that John Salmon was in Duchess County, NY before he moved to Cumberland County, VA.  I have some more digging to do!  Below is a screen shot of application on the SAR site:

Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Maryland genealogy

An e-mail was in by inbox from a company selling genealogy books.  The add read that Robert Barnes was the foremost genealogist of Maryland genealogy in the latter part of the 20th century.  Since I have Genealogy research still to do in Maryland, I thought I would write myself a note to look for this author via world cat when the time comes to work on My Sprigg and related lines.