Friday, July 20, 2012

William, Joseph Hawkins of Campbell County, Virginia

The newest issue of the National Genealogical Society Quarterly (vol 100, No 2, June 2012) was in my pile of things to read last night.  In an article titled  Finding the Father of Henry Pratt of Southeastern Kentucky written by Warren C. Pratt, Ph.D (page 95) is a paragraph that I will not quote as I would like to include the footnotes and explanatory material in the paragraph since I don't quite know how to do footnotes in the blog.  The section of the article is labelled James Pratt.

James Pratt lived in the same Campbell County community as Mary Pratt, his uncle James' widow.  In 1793 Mary and Bartlett Wiley witnessed the will of William Hawkins, whose son was Joseph Hawkins. [information from Campbell County Will Book I:25253, William Hawkins].   The preceding year William Hawkins, Sr, Joseph Hawkins, Bartlett Wiley, and James Pratt lived near each other on Beaver  Creek.  [Virginia Auditor of Public Accounts, Personal Property Tax Lists, Campbell Co., 1792, Talbot's district, pp. 16FHL microfilm 2,204,501.  For Beaver Creek see Campbell Co. Deed Book 4:491, Hawkins to Ross, 5 Dec 1798, FHL microfilm 31,023)]....

It interesting to note that the beginning of this section contains information that James Pratt had lived in Culpeper County before his move to Campbell County.  That makes me wonder if the Pratts and the Hawkins family had been friends before the move to Campbell and perhaps even moved there together.  Could there even have been a family relationship?  A Hawkins son or daughter married to a Pratt spouse?

The below map shows where Beaver Creek is located in Campbell County.  I believe that it flows into the James River just northwest of the marker on the below map.

What else do I know about Campbell and Bedford Counties in Virginia and the Hawkins family?

Littleberry Hawkins married Jane Shearer, dt. James.  Richard W. Hicks Surety 18 June 1794 Campbell County marriage bonds found in Hinshaw Vol VI

The next Information comes from Elaine Campbell....she reminded me that:   
The only daughter named in Littleberry Hawkins will was Milly Hicks. Mildred Hawkins married Richard W. Hicks (source Wulfeck.) So was the above marriage between Littleberry and Jane Shearer a second marriage with son-in-law serving as surety?  I don't have dates for Littleberry right at hand...need to work on this when I have time.
Our  Hawkins DNA group #1 has a participant who descends from Benjamin Hawkins married to Hannah who lived on land that is now part of the Biltmore estate.  This Benjamin Hawkins had both a son and a grandson named Littleberry.  Dot Hawkins whose husband and son are descendants of this Benjamin has told me in the past that William Hawkins who is found in the part of Bedford County that became Campbell County in 1781 named sons Littleberry, Robert, Benjamin and James in his will.

Hawkins DNA group #1 has 2 more participants who descend from John and Winnie Hawkins.  This couple have children who seemed to have lived in Bedford County at some point.  

Elaine Campbell gave me the below information that lets us know that Littleberry Hawkins is still living in Bedford County in 1816:
Green County, KY  Deed Book 7 pages 308-310....9 july 1816 

Benjamin Gaddy and wife Susannah of Green County to Littleberry Hawkins of Bedford Virginia....selling 184 acres. This is Virginia land recorded in Green County ...the Gaddy's are selling land that is in Bedford County, Virginia to Littleberry Hawkins.....but they are recording it in Green County, Kentucky.  The land is described as being "to a Hawkins Corner".

Dot Hawkins has shared the next information.  Her Benjamin is married to Hannah and lived on land that is now a part of the Biltmore Estate in NC:

This is the William (William of Bedford/Campbell County, VA)
 that we believe is the father of our Benjamin.  If one reads
the full will including the condicils it is almost certain because of the names
of Robert and Littleberry occuring in Benjamin's family as well as
William, James and Joseph.

Since Robert was listed as an exedutor of the will, when his father named him in
the codicil to receive only a token amount it really indicates that he had
already received a patrimony and that Benjamin and James, also named in the
codicil had received theirs.  That being the case they were the oldest of the
sons and that Littleberry was the youngest and under age to receive property in
his own name.

I haven't been able to get to Bedford/Campbell County for further research, yet,
but all who have looked at the evidence we have to date are in agreement that
this is or family.

With the evidence we do have we know Benjamin and James had already left VA and
were well settled in Buncombe County, NC by the date of this will.  At this time
Benjamin already had 2 children, Mary and John and was very active in the
government of the county.  We know that Benjamin was in the area for the 1790
census and there is evidence from a court case that they were there in the late
1780's.  In the family Bible of Benjamin's youngest son we have Benjamin's birth
year as 1762 which would fit in with the age of William and his birth date of

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