Sunday, August 19, 2012

Harris DNA group

I was chatting last night with a man named John Harris.  We had talked in the past about the fact that I research the Harris name.  It occurred to me that I used to think that my mother-in-law's Harris line would connect with one of the big Harris groups out there such as the Overton Harris....Mourning Glen lines.  However, we now know that our DNA group is a relatively small group.  The fact that one of our matches has names in her research that match with Glenn  makes one wonder if there has been a birth incident....or if perhaps the connection might have been on the female side rather than the male side.

I wanted to take a minute this morning to post some of what our DNA group knows so that I can have a place to go back and refresh my memory on what we DO know about this family group.  We are a relatively small group.  Fran Hill has no DNA participant.  However, we became friends several years ago when we realized that her Harris line and the Harris line that I look at were proved to be connected by the Bible pages that are now in my possession.  To see the Bible pages go to:

click on the Apperson Family Bible.  Gregg Bonner has done an excellent job in putting these pages on the internet and in interpreting the pages to make them more helpful.

I hope to make another post that will repeat who each of the people named in the Bible pages are and how they are connected....and where and when I came to have the pages in my possession.

To see the Harris DNA results go to:

We are group #27.  Be sure to read Glenn Gohr's page on our group by clicking on the link.  There are only three matches in our group.  My participant, Trey Harris, and the brother of Ann Harris.   The families of Trey and Ann are found in  Union County, SC from just after the Revolutionary War until today.

Trey Harris is a DNA match to my mother-in-law's brother, Everett Harris who is my Harris DNA participant.  Trey believe that his ancestors connect to Samuel Harris married to Tryphena Harris.   Tryphena's maiden name was also Harris.  Her father was Thomas Harris married to Sarah/Sally Lacy.  This couple was married by a French Huguenot minister named Chastain.  These people seemed to have lived in Buckingham County--so they were certainly living in the right area to be connected to the Harris family that I look at.  Samuel and Tryphena moved their family to Union County, SC in 1792 and the family has remained in that area to the present day.

Ann Harris lives in Union County, SC.  Her brother is a Harris DNA match for our line.  Ann and her brother descend from George Washington Harris of Union County, SC.  He was born in 1810 according to his tombstone and died 21 June 1880.  His wife was Jane Susan Elizabeth Glenn Harris.  Ann does not have parents for George Washington Harris.

I believe that the Harris line I look at was living in the part of Buckingham County that is now Appomattox County, Va in the mid 1800's.  The Bible that I refer to later in this post belonged to Samuel and Nancy Apperson Harris.  This is the family that lived in this county.

I could not find Samuel Harris in the 1840 Census on Ancestry in Buckingham County.  However he is there in 1830 and 1850 with all of the right people in his household.  Samuel was born 7 Nov 1795.   His oldest daughter, Sarah Ann, was born in 1727, so he did have a family at the time of both the 1830 census and the 1840 census.    I am convinced that he is the man who signed the petition in 1832 AGAINST the formation of Appomattox county from Buckingham County as he is the only Samuel that I find in Buckingham in 1830 census.

It is likely that Samuel and Nancy and their family lived at Trent's Mill.  I will try to spend some time editing this last thought in the next few days.  Please go to my post for January 6, 2013 for more information on this location and this family.

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