Monday, February 25, 2013

Hawkins in Orange County in 1815

I am looking at the 1815 Landowners Directory for Orange County, Virgnia abstracted by Roger Ward and published by Iberian Publishing Company of Athens Georgia.  My Thomas R. Hawkins would have been about 18 in this year.  He is NOT a landowner in Orange County.  There are many possibilities.  He could have been living somewhere attending school.  He could have been in another county.  His father could have died and he was living with his mother who had remarried and carried a different surname from Hawkins.  However, the most likely possibility is that he was in a Hawkins household.  Two years earlier he had been in attendance at a meeting to found the Zion Baptist Church that was attended by his uncle Benjamin Hawkins and fifteen other men.  This meeting had likely taken place in his Uncle Benjamin's home as it said that they met in Brother Hawkins' home.  In the article describing this meeting they described it to have taken place 3 and a half miles south of Orange which would have been more or less where where we see my circle on the below map.  It is not impossible that the meeting could have taken place at Mallory's Ford.

In 1815, there are four  Hawkins men and no female Hawkins landowners listed in Mr. Ward's compilation.  Benjamin is 2 miles SW of Orange.  He is a likely candidate for being my Thomas R. Hawkins' uncle.  Arcalus and James are both described as being 21 miles East of Orange ...Arcalus is on Middle Flat Run and James is on Lower Flat Run and Middle Flat Run.  On the map below, ignore the circled area.  If you look at the bottom left hand corner, you will see Orange on the map with only the last letters showing on Route 20.  All the way up in the far upper right corner you will find Flat Run.  You may have to adjust the map to really view it...but this is almost certainly where James and Arculus were living---close to Germanna.  One can not help but guess that they may have been descendents of William Hockings who had run the ferry and had the run in with Governor Spotswood who accused him of being drunk.  

The fourth Hawkins male is another Benjamin who is described as being on Southwest Mountain Run, 17 miles Northeast.  I do not know who this man is.  But you can see all of the possible places that he might have lived if you follow Moutain Run north and east on the map starting at the Orange County Airport area.

I pushed publish, and then thought of the possibility that Thomas R. Hawkins' family was living in an adjoining county at this time in his life.  So I have pulled out the 1815 Directory of Virginia Landowners compiled by Roger Ward for both Louisa County and for Culpeper County.  I realize that Spotsylvania County is not totally out of the question, either, but I do not own Mr. Ward's directory for that county.

In Louisa County the three pieces of land that are connected to the Hawkins surname are:
Elijah who has an asterick by his name.  The book explains that the asterick denotes that there is neither miles nor direction from the courthouse for this land and that often meant that the landowner was a non-resident.  The other two are the estate of John and the estate of Jas which has notation: Little RV  You can see on the below map that the Little River is in the far eastern part of Louisa and continues into Hanover before it runs into the North Anna.  It is my gut feeling that these men did not come from the north of Orange County, but rather from Hanover County.  But that is just a gut feeling this morning.

Map of Louisa County circa 1745.  From Louisa County, Virginia, Deed Books A and B, 1742-1759.  By Rosalie Edith Davis.

There are more Hawkins land owners in Culpeper than in either Orange or Louisa.  Again this information is from the 1815 Directory of Virginia Landowners for Culpeper County compiled by Roger Ward.  

The first one that pops out at me is John B. Hawkins of Orange County.  His land is at Raccoon Ford; 7SE.  Remember we are now talking about the county seat of Culpeper---not Orange County.  Where was John B. Hawkins living in 1815?  Why did he own land in Culpeper?  He had married Ann Ford in 1812.  Were they living with her parents?  Did he have children by his first/second wife?  Could he be father to Thomas R. Hawkins?  Others tell me that John B. Hawkins moved to Kentucky about 1825.

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