Monday, July 29, 2013

Timeline for George McKinsey and family

This timeline will include a George and Margaret McKinney who lived in Old Frederick County who may or may not have been MY George McKinsey's parents.  I have not yet done that research for myself.  However, I am including them as there are lots of reasons to believe that they may have indeed been the George McKinney who bought the land in SC that I find MY George living on when he was raising his children in Newberry County, SC in the late 1700's and early 1800's.

1771  More information about the below and a map that was sent to me by Bruce Locken can be found on my blog post:

At the WV archives I looked at a book with title of  Frederick County Deeds 1771-1775 abstracted and compiled by Amelia C. Gilreath.  Here is the abstraction found for George McKinney on page 17 of this book:

Bk 15, P 92-6 Aug 1771
    [Lease]  Between George McKenny of the County of Frederick [to] Thomas Campbell of the said county.....consideration of five shillings.....Tract of Land of Musty Handley....Containing one hundred and ninety four Acres Granted to said George McKenny by Deed from the Hand and Seal of the Right Honorable Thomas Lord Fairfax the 18th Oct 1756....Yielding and Paying rent of one pepper corn on Lady day next.....
Wit: Jacob Sowers, Jun                     George (O) McKennie  
      Thos. Wood
Recorded:  7 Aug 1771

Bk. 15, p. 93--7 Aug 1771
    [Release] Between George McKennie and Margaret his wife of County of Frederick [to] Thomas Campbell of the said county .....consideration of one hundred and thirty pounds....194 acres (same as above)....
Wit: same as above              George (O) McKennie 


Newberry SC Deed Book D2, pp. 5-11:  Lease and release.  8 Jan 1773, Thomas Shaw and wife Sarah of Craven County, SC, to George McKinny of same, for £250 SC money, 150 acres in Craven County adj. William Hilburn, Nelson Dunkin, part of tract granted to said Thomas Shaw 10 Sept 1765, 100 acres of which is laid off to said Nelson Dunkin.  Thomas Shaw (Seal), Sarah Shaw (Seal), Wit: Wm Mills (M), Wm. Hilbirn, Richard Holeman.  Proved in Ninety Six District by the oath of William Hilburn 28 Aug 1773 before Michael Dickert, J.P.  Recorded 16 June 1797.

Newberry SC Deed Book D2, pp. 12-17: Lease and release.  21 & 22 Jan 1779, William Hilburn and wife Jane of Ninety Six District, farmer, to George McKinney of same, for £200 SC money, 100 acres on waters of Bush River adj. Mathias Elmore, Thomas Shaw, granted 3 Sept 1774 to said William Hilburn.  William Hilburn (mark) (Seal), Jane Hilburn (mark) (Seal), Wit: William Hilburn, John Ellemon, Abner Ellemon.  Proved in Newberry County by the statement of John Elleman 30 May 1797 before Fred Nance, J.P.  Recorded 16 June 1797.

1781  Oldest child known by Ruby Mundell Wallace in her book about George and Sarah's descendants is born:  David, born 25 March 1781.  If this is this couple's firstborn, they are likely to have married in 1780 or before.  

1840  George McKinsey died 11 June 1840 in Waynesville, Ohio

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