Friday, September 19, 2014

Marriage of Barbara Schweickart and George Hornberger

I had planned to put a copy of the marriage certificate of this couple in this spot over the weekend.  Ludwig has told me that it will be found in the records of Obersteinbach in the Alsace Lorraine region of France.  For a map see the post from earlier this week.  (just scroll down)  I wanted a place to put the following image  of the Protestant Church in Obersteinbach which is the most likely place for the wedding to have taken place  However I haven't done that research yet.  I do know from Ludwig that my gr-grandfather, Fred Hornberger,  was born in this town from records that can be found on-line.  So even if this is not the place of the wedding, it is probably where the family attended church.  Fred remained a faithful attendee at the Lutheran church in Ironton, Ohio.  It is said that he walked to church every Sunday when he was in his 90's.

However, Found the entire document to be quite difficult to read.  So instead I am going to put portions of the document in the below with my comments interspersed.  If you want to see the entire document, scroll down to the next post and follow the directions to look at the marriage book for Obersteinbach for 1863.

This is found on the far left margin and serves to be the title to help find the right document.  Now the document itself:

City Hall of Obersteinbach .....District of Wissenbourg....
Ludwig tells me that the date is 2nd Feb  I can read the 1863 with the help of Google Translate.
I did not try to read the hour.
Act of Marriage celebrated publicly in the house of Georges Hornberger.  I can not read the age of Georges Hornberger

Here is Ludwig's translation:

Marie d Obersteinbach Arrondisement of Wissembourg
the 2nd of february 1863 7 o'clock pm

Georges Hornberger 35 yrs old born in Obersteinbach 28 jun 1827
profession Journalier (day laborer) living in Obersteinbach
legitimate child of deceased Frederic Hornberger age and profession not stated,  domicile Obersteinbach died 21 mar 1852 and deceased Anne Marie Weissgerber age and profession not stated domicile Obersteinbach died 5 jan 1848.

Barbe Schweickart 31 yrs old born in Lembach 14 feb 1831
profession neant (none) living in Lembach
legitimate child of deceased Frederick Schweickart age and profession not stated,  domicile Lembach died 18 jan 1858 and Dorothee Koehlhoeffer 60 yrs old no profession living in Lembach present and consenting to the marriage.

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