Tuesday, February 17, 2015

From where is our Moore family likely to have immigrated and who were their friends and neighbors?

I am just playing around on this post a bit....had some ideas that were spinning around in my head that I don't want to lose....or at least I want to explore.

Joseph mentioned that someone had viewed John Moore's will and thought that the wax seal on it looked as if it might be a specific Moore coat of arms from some Scottish Moore family.  And then I was playing with Lynn's ideas of some of the men who witnessed wills or land transactions for our Moore family.  I started googling Moore names...to kind of see where Moore ancestors were most likely to come from.   Here is what Ancestry says:

and while these numbers are from a later time period than we are looking at, it does give us some percentage ideas.  However, it is quite likely that the Ireland numbers may have been augmented by the fact that these numbers could have been in the time period of the Irish Famine.

Lynn pointed out the fact that Robert, Cadwalader, and Thomas Jones.  Robert Jones witnessed John Moore's will.  Who else were witnesses for some of the documents of the Moore family and what were there relationships?

Nathaniel Sykes and Stephen Jackson affirmed in 1711that they had seen Rose officially sell the bank lot to Benjamin Chambers (1709)  Affirmation implies their being Quakers.  This is the deed in which Rose is named as relict of James Moore.  The document was sealed and delivered in the presence of:
Wm. Bartram
Robert Pound
Nathaniel Sykes
John Moore
Steven Jackson

Ok....I got sidetracked....but I wanted to add a photo that I took in 2012 at the Eno Cemetery dedication.  The photo shows a list of names that of families that are believed to have been a part of Eno Preparatory Meeting that was affiliated with Cane Creek Monthly Meeting

Photo is on my blog post in April 2012:

I was thinking about the fact that the Mooney family was probably Richard Moore's daughter, Mary, and her husband Joseph Mooney and perhaps extended family.  Could Jackson be a relation to the Steven Jackson who witnessed the above land transaction?  Certainly I have been reading a lot about the Pugh family as I get ready for this trip.  They seem to have been connected with the Jones family of which Robert Jones and his brother Calawader were a part.  Robert witnessed John Moore's will.  Just doing some thinking out loud.

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