Sunday, April 12, 2015

Quakers in Maryland

I was trying to come up with some information to help Elaine with a puzzle that she was working on last week.  It involved a Mills family in Guilford County.  There was the possibility that this Mills family had had connections to Maryland.  Because my own experience with Guilford County, NC is with Quaker families, I suggested that we might look in Hinshaw.  No entries.  But as I have thought about this since, it has come to my attention that Hinshaw did NOT index Maryland!

Then at the Ohio Genealogical Society's conference in Columbus this past week, I had the crazy serendipity that one of the speakers had to leave early and Craig Scott had a last minute fill in to talk about Quakers and Quaker migration.  And lo and behold, Craig actually mentioned a few works that pertained to Quakers in Maryland.  I might not have been as interested if I had not already realized that it was a huge hole in Hinshaw.  Craig offered to send a copy of his handout for the talk via e-mail, and I will add some of the books that he suggested when I get that copy.

Last night I looked for one of the books that Craig suggested:

Quaker Records in Maryland by John Brinkley that is now out of print.  The closest library in which I can view this book is Earlham College in Richmond Indiana.

But last night while I was searching for that book, I actually ordered two books:

and I found the following book available on-line:

The early Friends (or Quakers) in Maryland : read at the meeting of the Maryland Historical Society, 6th March, 1862

Author:J Saurin Norris
Publisher:[Baltimore] : Printed for the Maryland Historical Society by John Toy, [1862]
Edition/Format:  eBook : Document : EnglishView all editions and formats
More like this

and the following that is available to read at Swarthmore:

Maryland Quakers in England, 1659-1720

Author:Kenneth L Carroll
Edition/Format:  Print book : English

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