Monday, November 9, 2015

John Slater in Arkansas

I had bought a couple of books while attending the NGS conference in Missouri this past spring.  I unpacked them tonight and took a look.  The dates of the Index to the Arkansas Land Office are 1820-1907.  Both books have Slater males listed as having bought land.  None named have given name John.  I think it likely that John may have bought land that was in private hands

My 3-gr-grandfather, John Slater, is found in the

....1850 census finds John A. Slater living in Greenbrier, Independence, Arkansas with a wife: Louisa M. Slater who is 19.  THis John has North Carolina as his birth place.

My grandmother, Mary Ann McGregor Hawkins told me in an interview c. 1969 that her grandfather, John Slater, had been born in NC.  I feel sure that this is the right man.  And the John Slater who is found in Lassen County in the 1860 census is also shown as having been born in NC.  I have absolute proof that this John Slater in Lassen County is my man! Also Louisa is absolutely the name of the Lassen County's man's wife.

So where were they living in 1850?  I went surfing tonight and found the following maps:

Hmmmmm.....I am going to have to work on this some more.  The lower map has almost no resemblance to the boundaries of Independence County in the upper map.  Think I quit for the night.

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