Monday, March 28, 2016

Webb family in southwest Kentucky

I have been chatting with Torey and Shirley and Jane about our mutual Webb family.  I descend from William and Nancy Webb through their daughter, Nancy, who married Bird Hensley in Clay County, Illinois in 1829.  They descend from others of William and Nancy's children:  Isaac or Thomas or Sarah.  These are the children that we have identified so far.  My Nancy is said to have been born in Kentucky by her husband on her death certificate.  Her date of birth is c.1812 based on census information (she is said to be 38 in the census of 1850).

I ruled out the possibility that the marriage of William Webb and Nancy Smith in Bourbon County could be my family.  I am now committed to the idea that my Nancy Webb Hensley was born while William and Nancy Webb were living in southwest Kentucky near Bowling Green.

Today I decided to follow up on an idea that has been nagging in the back of my mind for a while.  Is it possible that William's father moved to the area of Kentucky near Bowling Green because of Bounty Land from service in the Revolutionary War?

Is this area actually military reserve is the first question.  And it is answered above.  Next question were there men named Webb who received bounty land in Kentucky?  For the answer to that I went to the Kentucky Secretary of State website:

There are six men with surname Webb who have warrants on this website:

Isaac Webb (this man is of particular interest to me as William named one of his sons Isaac).  Isaac served three years as a lieutenant in the Virginia Continental Line.  He received 2000 acres for his service.  The date is 1/13/1784.

The second man is James Webb.  James received his warrant but never use it.  Possible reasons that James never used his warrant can be found at:

The third man is John Webb.  John also has no identified land in Kentucky leading to the assumption as above that he did not use his warrant.

The fourth man is Joseph Webb.  Joseph apparently sold or passed his warrant on to William Reynolds who had the land surveyed and purchased.

The fifth man is Richard Webb.  Richard received 200 acres for his service in the Virginia State Line. The date on his was April 1783.

And the sixth man was Thomas Webb (also of special interest since William and Nancy named one of their sons Thomas).  Thomas received 100 acres for his service in the Virginia State line for three years.  The date for Thomas is also 1783.

Well, phooey.....Torey did some looking for me and found the following:

All three of these got land grants from Virginia, which means they would have served with the Virginia regiments and are thus likely to have been from Virgina, ....

Captain Isaac Webb received land in the Ohio Military District for his service according to:  The land is described as being north of the Ohio River between the Little Miami and Scioto Rivers.  However, he does not seem to have lived on the land as he died in Fayette County, Kentucky in 1833 according to the same source.  This source has some conflicting information.  But one piece of information states that they floated down the Ohio River from the area of Northern Virginia.

Richard Webb is likely to be Richard Bennett Webb, b 1755, son of Richard Crittenden Webb, part of the Crittenden Webbs, originally of Orange County, VA.  His land patent was in Montgomery, KY.

I can't find the Thomas Webb.  He may not have taken up his patent, as he was granted only 100 acres.

1 comment:

  1. Not sure if this is relevant, but for what it's worth... Frequently warrants were assigned to others (sold) and the assignments were written on the back of the warrant. Also, just because a warrant does not have a matching patent does not mean that there is no patent. The records are not complete. Some patents/deeds were/are recorded only in county level records. Thomas, for example, may have sold his warrant or swapped it for some other parcel.
