Monday, September 18, 2017

H2 Morrison family

This is actually the second part to the post that I wrote last night that is just below this post on the blog (scroll down and read that post first). I am trying to get in my head where each of the families lived during the Revolution or just before or after that time period.  In the below blog post I established where Patrick Morrison and William Witcher were living thanks to information from Ed Griffith and Travis Morrison.

Ed and I looked at the following book yesterday:

Property Lines from the Old Survey Books Pittsylvania County, Virginia 1746 to 1840.  (I looked this morning and this book is available from the Va-NC Piedmont Genealogical Society website):

We believe that the plat shown on page 12 I of that book is land that is said to belong to William Witcher and is the land William Witcher mentions in his will when he leaves it to his daughter, Rachel and mentions Rachel's husband by name as William Morrison and says that "it is the land on which they now live".  Why do we believe this to be the land?   Several other deeds mention that Harmon Kook/Cook's land is bounded by Morrison.  And on this plat, Harmon Kook is next door neighbor.   Ed and I believe that there is another deed as well in which Morrison is named as neighbor.  But if I look for those deeds tonight, I won't finish this post.

Ed found a land grant (on Library of Virginia website) from the Commonwealth of Virginia dated 1782 in which William Witcher is being granted land that is 115 acres and is on the Pigg River and Harping Creek.  This plat of land is 115 acres.  The land is described in the land grant as adjoining William Witcher's own land. (I am reading this in May 2019....and need to clarify on a day that is less busy....the land that is labelled as William Witcher's own land came from William's father-in-law?) My best guess of where this land is located is shown on the map below Somewhere on the map bounded in part by Harpen Creek and also bounded by the Pigg River.  I'll reread Ed's land grant document to see if I can be more specific:


I believe that Harping Creek is most likely Harpen Creek on this map.  The other marker that makes me think this is the right place is that Sandy Level is found on the map in the right spot to be Sandy Level on this map....slightly northwest from the land that was granted to William Witcher and that William and Rachel Witcher Morrison were living on at William Witcher's death.

Ok, now that we have this land's general proximity, let me show you a map that compares where each of the three families were living:

The red marker isn't perfect for the land on which William and Rachel Witcher Morrison were living on.  But it is close enough to get the idea.  Rachel's parents lived at about the place where the rectangle with 635 on it is located.  If William was the son of Patrick Morrison his parents were living or had recently moved (need to look that up) about the spot where the 794 rectangle is located.  I definitely call this pretty close proximity.  I think that this is evidence that stacks up to swing the scales toward the opinion that William Morrison who married Rachel Witcher is the same man as William Morrison who is the son of Patrick Morrison.  I have a bit of mulling and pondering to do still, but this is a very good first step!

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