Monday, October 23, 2017

Signature of Uncle Benjamin

I took a photo of the document that Sandi Vaught and I found in Orange County, Virginia in September to share with Elaine.  It is a copy of the marriage bond that Uncle Benjamin signed when he was about to marry Mary/Polly Bickers.  I decided to put the copy on this blog just to make it easy to find.  

Benjamin is very special to my research as he seems to have acted as a father to my 3-gr-grandfather in their lifetimes.  Benjamin's will leaves much of what he has to his NEPHEW Thomas R. Hawkins.  Benjamin and Mary/Polly Bickers Hawkins did not have children of their own.  When Polly's father Nicholas Bickers died he left her only $1.  Not because he didn't love her.  But because she had no children of her own and she was rich while his other children were poor.  I love Nicholas for having left that will!

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