Saturday, January 6, 2018

Alsace Lorraine ancestors and x match to mom

I am cleaning out my downloads today and found a chart that I had done for my mother.  It is about x-matches to her family finder autosomal DNA test on FTDNA.  Once I file this chart, I may never think of it again.  So I wanted to do a blog post to remember what I was thinking when I did this chart.

Mom would have received one x chromosome from both her father and her mother.  So some of her x-matches will come from her father's mother side of the family which are mostly families living in Eastern Kentucky or what would have then been southeastern Virginia (now WV).in the early 1800s.  But the ancestors that I am focusing on today are those who lived in the Alsace Lorraine are (sometimes in Germany and sometimes in France) until the late 1800s.   Through wonderful researchers who are on the Alsace Lorraine mail list, I have expanded what I know about these families in the last few years.

As a reminder, a male only receives an x from his mother.  He receives a y from his father and that is what makes him male.  So the blank boxes in the chart are ancestors who could not have given my mother an x.


the area directly from Alsace Lorraine. 

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