Friday, April 5, 2019

Early Huntington Schools

The Cabell Rootsweb mail list that has been extremely quiet for a long time began chatting today about some of the early schools.  I was interested in knowing the answers because my Grandfather was probably in the first graduating class of the building that is on 8th street or perhaps he graduated in one of the last classes at the school that I remember was located on 5th Avenue.  I do know that I have a photo in my files and piles of Howard Burke Hawkins photographed with the other members of the basketball team.

So here is my very quick  research:

From James Casto's book with cover:,+WV?&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwj9uLzuoLnhAhXGtVkKHSb0CBYQ6AEIMDAB#v=onepage&q=When%20was%20the%20original%20Huntington%20High%20School%20building%20built%20in%20Huntington%2C%20WV%3F&f=false

I remember Oley because my grandparents lived on 5th Avenue only about a half block west of Oley.

My grandfather was born in 1899, so he would have been 18 in 1917.  The question is if he graduated from high school early or on time.  I will do this research when I have more time.  Further proof that there was never a Central High School in Huntington:

And then Billy Tucker added this to the conversation (so the verdict is still out if there was indeed an official Central High School or if indeed the entire school that house all 12 grades was just Oley:

From "Lost Huntington - Oley Elemetary; "Oley elementary erected in 1888 and named after Gen. John Hunt Oley. Later the city's first High School (Central) was constructed just East of the elemetary and later the 2 structures were  connected.  When the NEW Huntington High School was built in 1916, the First High School was designated Oley Junior High School."

I will try to find time to see if I can find what the name of the school was that my grandfather attended or graduated from.

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