Sunday, June 2, 2019

Joseph Sprigg and his wife, Ann Taylor

An Ancestry thruline that I looked at yesterday put me in contact with Suzanne who is the researcher who is connected to my dna match on FTDNA, William Donaldson Sprigg, Jr.  Mr. Sprigg is Suzanne's deceased father.  Suzanne has always been the researcher connected to the kit.  Suzanne and I had tried to exchange information a few years ago, but neither of us had done enough research to come up with the connection.  Now with help from all of the bells and whistles that are provided by the five big DNA sites, we are able to identify a really good match between Suzanne's dad and me on Chromosome #11.  So, of course, I first painted the chromosome match on dnapainter and then began to look at all of the new information that this makes available to me.

I descend from Joseph Sprigg and his wife, Ann Taylor, through their daughter Lucretia who married John Redmon in Pulaski County, Arkansas 23 April 1828.  I had found this marriage information on Ancestry in 2005 and my comment at this time was:

..... I found a marriage entry on Ancestry in June 2004 for John Redmon to Lucretia Sprigg in Arkansas Pulaski County for the date that I entered above.  The date works well for Louisa M. Redmon’s parents and is further substantiated by the fact that Louisa and John Slater name a daughter Lucretia “Luty” C. Slater.

Lucretia Sprigg and John Redmon had daughter, Louisa M. born in Arkansas.  I already had information that L.M. Redmon and Dr. John Slater had married in Arkansas.  

My notes that I had saved in my data base seem to firm up that what I have found is correct:  

I interviewed my grandmother (Mary Ann McGregor Hawkins.  She was the gr-granddaughter of Dr. John Slater and Louisa M. Redmon Slater) in the early 1970's.  My notes from that interview say:  Helen's grandfather (Dr. Slater) left North Carolina after the war and was a doctor in Lassen County, California.  And he was also the grandfather of John S. Partridge of San Francisco, California who was recently [letter written July 26, 1923] appointed Federal Judge in this state...

My research has shown the time when John Slater left North Carolina was BEFORE the war.  The census of 1860 in Lassen County shows John to have been born in North Carolina--so that substantiates granny Mary’s statement that he moved from NC, but tells us that he left NC before the Civil War.

Then the 1850 census finds John A. Slater living in Greenbrier, Independence, Arkansas with a wife: Louisa M. Slater who is 19.  This John has North Carolina as his birth place as well. 

It is quite interesting to note from the family sheet that Tim Purdy sent me that this family came via wagon train as the 4th child is born in Kansas in 1875...ˆmy date must be must be 1855....I will double check this.

According to Fairfield’s Pioneer History of Lassen County California Dr. John Slater crossed the plains and came into the valley in 1857

I feel very good about all of these facts adding up to a story that is substantiated.

Now with Suzanne's help I have added Louisa Redmon's brother to my tree.  Ignatius Sprigg is the brother from whom Suzanne descends.  Ignatius Sprigg married Mary Polly Adkins.

Now I am working on adding more using the information from the Maryland Historical Society's magazine:  Volume 8, Issue #1.  I accessed this issue from the Maryland Historical Society's website.  And the URL for that is:

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