Monday, January 13, 2020

Quaker blog posts

All of the mail lists are in a bit of chaos now as they try to sort through the ramifications and solutions for the announcement that Rootsweb is shutting down their mail lists.  Rootsweb may have done us all a favor as I have never seen so much activity on lists that have been very quiet for a long time.

I have maybe five favorite lists and all of them seem to have found good solutions so far....some to  and some have disappeared but found good solutions for their members.

But I find myself posting extra to the groups that have moved to  I just posted to the Quaker list about my Quaker research found on this blog site.  And I wanted to make it easy to find my other sites that might be of interest to a Quaker researcher.  I do realize that they could find these sites by going down to the words:  View my profile to find all of the blogs that I maintain...but I do want this to be easy.

For Bush River, SC  I work a little bit on a blog site....but it is probably my most neglected site.  I would work on this site if anyone wants to add anything:

For Warren County, Ohio and the Miami MM blog site....Again I add a little bit every once in a while but most of it was done when we had our reunion there in 2013

The above site is the site on which Tom Hamm gave me permission to add the talk that he made to us in the Miami MM during the homecoming.  It was a VERY special event!  And his talk was excellent.  Please go there to read it!

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