Monday, November 8, 2021

The Elliott family and possible connections to Gloucester Great Britain

In January, 2022 I spent more time on the below.  My gut feeling after more research is that the Quaker Elliott family found in the Gloucester area of England are likely related to the Elliott family found in Westmoreland Virginia with connections to a wife named Amanda Smith.  At this time I believe this to be a dead end for my own research.

 I had dabbled with connections between my John Elliott and his wife Sarah and Gloucester England in a post this fall.  I have become more and more interested in following up on this idea even though it does not seem to be what anyone else suggests and it is based on quite random clues.  It is possible that I will move some of the information from my previous post to this post, but I am not doing that today.  So begin by reading the following:

Here are some of the ideas that are rolling around in my head that I want to explore:

There is a Guy family both in the area of Bristol and Burlington.  Bristol is about 20 miles from Gloucester.  I will look at the Quaker families in both places to see if I can find other families both places.  Some of the trees on Ancestry have a wife with maiden name Guy for an Elliott male.  The one that they have chosen makes no sense as she died in Great  Britain quite late for this story and she is a niece to William Penn.

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