Saturday, February 19, 2022

Elliott family found in Bucks County, PA as early as 1678

 Read previous blog post for how I backed into this family.  That blog was getting too confusing.  I am gong to add information  here in a more organized way.  I spent the day at the Boyd County Library yesterday and have some conflicting information that I wish to organize.  However, I think perhaps this research may be a dead end, so if you are reading this in the future, ask me if I threw it all out.  

On an Ancestry tree, I found a link to an article taken from

This book is available on Ancestry

This article sums up the proofs that I list below:

There is without a doubt two men mentioned in the records of the area near Falls MM in Bucks County, PA.  Andrew and William Elliott are there as early as 1678.  They came directly too the area from Somerset County in England from the port of Bristol.

Andrew Elliott did not come from New England as many Ancestry trees suggest.  He came directly from England.  He was affluent enough to bring two servants and to buy a large amount of land once he arrived. Note there is no date given nor children.  But several pages later I found an entry for Gideon Gambell of Hevizes in the County of Wilts.  Slator Arrived....Deleware River in the "Bristol Factor" Master Richard True 10th Month 1681

Many of the Ancestry trees suggest that Andrew was the father of William Elliott and have information in their trees making the birth of Willliam happen about the time Andrew turn eight years old.  I found information proving that William is a brother not a son:

One thing of interest in the area that is Makefield is that William Penn had originally set this area aside for his children.  However,  the children did not settle there and it was sold off to others.  There is also information that William Penn had built a home in Bucks County on the Delaware River and was often seen traveling there via boat from Philadelphia.  

Something that I had never realized before is that William Penn was only on these shores for four years out of his life:

However, there is a major problem with this new theory.  I can not find a son named John among either man's children.  Both men die with only daughter's and son-in-laws named in their wills.  Andrew died in 

And William's will was proved in 1721

The above is taken from a collection found on Ancestry:

Pennsylvania, U.S., Wills and Probate Records, 1683-1993

However, it is clear that at least one of the men did indeed have a son.  We find William's daughter, Mary, marrying James Hawkins of Dublin MM in Philadelphia in 1705.  And in 1706 Andrew Ellliott asks for a certificate to take to Dublin MM as he intends to marry Hannah Mead.

And also in the Falls MM in 1704 William's daughter, Elizabeth is to marry  a weaver of Makefield Township named William Downey.

Apparently, Andrew who was the son of William died young as his widow is found marrying Samuel Combe in 1713.  

William Ellet's daughter, Hannah, married James Downey, yeoman, in 1712.

In 1702 Ann Ellett is to marry Lennett Shaweres no parents named:

And in 1707 Richard Bidgood brings a certificate from Dublin Township intending to marry Sarah Elliott

I decided to look up the Dublin MM next.  It was pretty much in the middle of no where north east of Philadelphia.  But in looking up this MM I found a huge article about the Irish Quakers that I didn't read carefully.  I will want to read this at some point:

I am winding yarn for my As You Wish shawl while I read books on-line.  I am reading: 

History of Bucks County, Pennsylvania : from the discovery of the Delaware to the present time

by William W.H. Davis.  It is available on Ancestry.  On page 18 the author tells that our Elliott family are among the first to arrive directly to Bucks from England:

This information starts at:
and continues for several pages telling the order that people moved into the area on both the east and west banks for the Delaware river. While our Elliott line is not mentioned many other families are mentioned and could be families from which John Elliottt's wife, Sarah was from.

There is an excellent bibliography that I would like to explore at:

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