Sunday, July 31, 2022

Elliott family in England

 I keep starting a new post about my Elliott family before the move to these shores.  In the years when they lived almost certainly in the area shown on the below map ads Yorkshire, Derbyshire, Nottinghamshire.

Just a few months ago I was looking mostly at Elliott in the area far south of this area near Somerset and Bristol.  However, a DNA match to my Elliott yDNA participants with whom I have become buddies caused me to give that research totally up.  Jeffrey Houghton is the match.  He does not carry the Elliott surname, but he is a clear match to our line.  His line has been in the area that I am now looking at for MANY generations.  And so I have redirected my research.  The odd thing about our yDNA match is that our group carries the C Haplogroup.  This is not the typical haplogroup for men in Great Britain.  It is more prevalent in males who are found in asia.  

Wikipedia says:  It is the most frequently occurring branch of the wider Haplogroup C (M130). It is found mostly in Central Asia, Eastern Siberia and significant frequencies in parts of East Asia and Southeast Asia including some populations in the Caucasus, Middle East, South Asia, East Europe. 

This haplogroup clearly points out that our Elliott family line almost certainly is not connected to the Elliott line found in the border lands of Scotland and England as these families carry the haplogroup R which is more prevalent in Great Britain and area.  It was hard to give up this Romantic tradition and accept this is just not likely to be our history.  So now I am focusing on the area that is described above.  

At the same time I am reading a book that I LOVE! It is about the Vikings

Jeffrey wrote me an e-mail that I am reading today.  And it is one of those times when everything that I have been doing and thinking all come together.  Here is an excerpt from Jeffrey's e-mail:

Now the shock horror news of the Elliot's, they are bad, bad Vikings who came over with William and maybe a connection to the Britons of old.(Brittany for 500 years. ) Right history lessons and NOT Scottish by origin LOL

 And the truth is that this is not such a is what I had been reading about right now as well.  What a shock from my book that the Normans who invaded England in 1066 were actually Vikings who had lived in Normandy and intermarried there.  But that absolutely fits with what Jeffrey is telling me now.  And my gut feeling has been that indeed our C Haplogroup may have come to the area with the Romans and continued in the area in Briton population when the Romans pulled out.  But the actual Elliott name may have come in with the Norman invasion?  Lots to think about!

Next I want to add  a URL for a site that Jeffrey sent:

England.  Following the Norman Conquest, Elliots – sometimes as Alliots or Elyots – spread across eastern England, notably to Yorkshire, Lincolnshire and Cambridgeshire.  .....

Ok...not sure we'll ever get all of this figured out, but it sure if fun!  

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