Thursday, June 1, 2023

Robert Alexander

I am working on both my own Scotch-Irish Ancestors at the same time I am working on papers for a prospective member of the Colonial Dames.  In spite of the fact that her husband is telling me that the Robert Alexander that I am looking at is likely not her ancestor, I have found myself quite interested in this Robert Alexander.  From Hildebrand's map I have taken a screen shot of the southern part of Beverley Manor:

Robert Alexander's School is affiliated with the old South Presbyterian Church.  You can see on below map that it is located as far south in the Beverley Manor as one can to.  Absolutely bordering on Borden's Grant.  The old and New Providence churches split over difference in beliefs of hymn singing and revival.  The Old Church continued to worship  in quite traditional and serious ways.

Robert Alexander, John Handley and Patrick Hays are mentioned in the same road orders.  They were friends and neighbors.  Below is found in Chawkley

Page 437:  Petition for road from Joseph Kennedy's Mill to John Huston's, and from John Huston's to the great road from Timber Grove to Woods Gap: James Hill. Joseph Kennedy, John Wilson, James Eakin, John Handley, William Wardlaw, William Lockridge, John Edenston, William McConnell, Walter Eakin, Robert Stewart, Robert Dunlap, Andrew  Duncan, John Huston, Samuel Huston, Robert Alexander, Patrick Hays, John Montgomery,. Andrew Steel, John Stewart 1751-1752

 The information found in a book in the library of W&L gives credit to Robert Alexander for having established the academy in 1749 that was the beginning of W&L University:

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