Saturday, September 7, 2024


 I don't usually put things on my public blogs about who I am.  But this morning there was an article written by Melissa Kirsch about the fact that she is a lapsed Tennis fan.  While I have never been much of a professional tennis fan, I understood the fact that she had given up a passion.  My husband was an enthusiastic golfer and so at our house we followed golf rather than tennis as well as Marshall University's football team.  However, I have to admit both of these passions belonged to my husband .....not to me.

But I liked what Melissa said and wanted to capture it:

If we define ourselves by who and what we love, and I think we should, then it’s valuable to love as many things as we can, to accumulate enthusiasms and lean into them, to hold onto passions when we discover them and not let them fall away. This way, our identities become rich, multidimensional, expansive. ....

                                                                                                                        María Jesús Contreras

I love her illustration.  It reminds me of my days in the stands with my husband.  Clearly this woman is not paying very close attention to the match going on....that would have been me at a football or basketball game.  

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