Monday, March 4, 2013

Hawkins Creek?

I just received the Virginia Magazine of History and Biography Vol 121.  No1 published by the Virginia Historical Society.  The cover shows a reproduction of part of a map drawn by Jefferson and Frye in 1751.  I copied the book reviews because the books this month were of particular interest to me.....and then decided to scan the map on the cover to see if I could zero into some of the small print if I scanned at a high resolution and then zoomed in.  I realize that one can access this map on-line....but it was right there in my hand...then to test, I did exactly that....I zoomed into the area of the Northern Neck to take a look.  

Directly across the Rappahanock river from Sabine Hall (Sabine is in Richmond County) is a creek that has two forks.  And between the two forks is the word Hawkins Creek?  To locate it without Sabine Hall, go to the word Essex in large letters with Dangerfield just under it.  Go down river to the very next creek to find the Hawkins Creek designation.

Has anyone come across a reference to Hawkins Creek?  Am I reading this correctly?

I found a clearer view by using the American Memory Site

It seems that it is Hoskins Creek....anyone know anything about this area?  Named in a land record of some sort in Essex?  Or old Rappahanock County in an earlier time?  

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