Monday, April 1, 2013

Update for April

March was a very busy month for me which left me little time for my blogs and my hobbies.  On March 31, I opened my blogs to find that many of my photos, maps, and illustrations were skewed, backwards, or had what looked like strips cut that were then rearranged out of order.  I spent last night chatting with someone who has explained to me that Picasa which is the "holder of the photos" for Google Blogs isn't totally compatible with the TIFF format.  So I am in the process of changing the format for all of the photos from TIFF to JPEG.  It will take me a while to get to every photo, so please, if you are interested in a particular blog post, let me know so that I will fix those photos first.  I have a very busy but very fun April as I am hoping to do lots of traveling for genealogy ....every weekend I have at least one event....hope to see some of you at some of the events!  And I hope to have all sorts of new ideas and at least one brick wall knocked down in my research by the end of the month!  And don't forget to use the search box in the upper left hand corner  to pull up the posts that refer to the surname or geographical area that you are interested in.  My blog posts are in no particular order.  I tend to talk about whatever is on my mind any day.  Go to the site that is listed to the right on ancestry to see my family tree if you want to know how someone is related to me.

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