Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Men who sold land in Frederick County in 1771 who may have moved to Newberry County

I am going through a Deed Book compiled by Amelia C. Gilreath in the Handley Library.  This book is:  Frederick County Virginia Deed Book Series, Volume 4    Deed Books 12, 13, 14, 1767-1771.  I am only looking at the deeds for land that exchanged hands in the year 1771 which is the year that George McKenny and wife Margaret sold their land.  (I am not being careful about spelling of George's last name....it was spelled two or more ways in the same deed, so they were not careful)

Bk 14, pl 314-2 April 1771
Samuel Pearson of County of Frederick to Samuel Washington of the same county.  One of the witnesses was Isiah Pemberton

Richard Merchang of County of Frederick to Thomas Campbell of the same county. (Marchant bought his land from Lord Fairfax 30 April 1760)

It is interesting to note that My ancestor, Jacob Miller's family are mentioned a great deal in the Deeds of Frederick County....there is one 8 May 1771 that mentions that Barbara Ott (wife of Henry Ott) is sole exc of her father, Jacob's, will....and that her mother has died.....and that Wolrick is getting inheritance....Ulrich?......I can not make this make sense.....and don't have time to spend on it.

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