Friday, May 23, 2014

Marshall University Documents

Melba Guard and her husband, Cliff, returned for another visit to work on research on our mutual Beuhring family.  Last night Melba let me copy documents that I have continued the entire day to just shake my head at the amazing discovery that these documents exist.  One of the documents is a bill to establish Marshall College that is dated 12 January 1838.  The bill was passed 30 March 1838.

The below document is just one of five pages  that are found on the Library of Virginia website.  If you would like to look at the pages for yourself, go to Virginia Memory 


Type in Cabell for the locality with no keyword nor subject and push search.  This will give you a collection of 137 documents.  The one that deals with Marshall Academy being given college status is #94.  

Among the names that are listed on the petition is Frederick G.L. Beuhring---Melba's 2-gr-grandfather and my 3-gr-grandfather.

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