Monday, May 26, 2014

Second Beuhring Reunion

On Saturday afternoon, Melba and Cliff and I visited Larry Beuhring at his home in Chesapeake, Ohio.    Below is a photo of the three of us.  All three of us descend from Frederick George Louis Beuhring and his son, Frederick Dannenburg Konig Beurhing.

During our afternoon together, we shared information.  Some of it was new.  Some of it was well known.  And some of it I want to follow up on when I get a chance.  

Larry told us that the land on which the building that was used for church and Marshall Academy in the very early days of Cabell County stood was BOUGHT from Holderby for $40.  There was one and one quarter acre at this place.  I need to make this work with the tradition that Holderby donated the land.  Was the land that he donated adjoining the acre and one quarter?  Is there a deed that proves the $40 purchase?

He also told us that there is a church in Celle that has records in which FGL's father is named.

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