Saturday, July 26, 2014

Marshall, Coleman. and Hawkins connections

I was chatting with a lady who has a Hawkins line found in Forsythe County, Ga and a county in Tennessee.  This Hawkins line has names that are so much like the Hawkins names found in my family line that it jumped out at me.  And then she had a Cullen Hawkins.....hmmmm..... I know that this is coincidence.....But it has me wanting to chat with Chip Jones about where in TN Coleman Marshall moved and if there were Hawkins' who moved with this family.  So I'll start with what I already know about the Marshall/Coleman/Hawkins connections in Orange County, Virginia in the early to mid 1800s.

My 2-gr-grandfather, T.R. Hawkins, lived in Orange County, Virginia all of his life according to his obit.  There is no doubt about the fact that T.R. had two best buddies:  his uncle, Benjamin Hawkins and Coleman Marshall.  Benjamin and Coleman were brother-in-laws.  Benjamin was married to Mary/Polly Bickers and Coleman was married to Mary/Polly's sister, Joanna Bickers. When Benjamin was involved in founding the Zion Baptist Church in orange County, both Coleman and T.R. were present.  Every time any one of these men went to the courthouse, the other two men went along as a witness.  When Benjamin died in 1851

People named in Benjamin’s will:

wife, Mary
nephew Thomas R. Hawkins
niece Mary Hawkins
Sarah F. Coleman
Josanna Marshall
Matilda Marshall
Coleman Marshall
John Todd
Charles Scott
William Cole (decd)

friend William C. Scott 

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