Saturday, August 2, 2014

Webb families in the area around Warren County

After the last session of the KY historical Society's Annual event featuring Mark Lowe, Elaine and I spent time in the library on the second floor.  We had very little time.  So both of us were going through books about Warren and Barren Counties as fast as we could spite of the fact that Mark kept telling all of us to "Mull and Ponder".  I did not find a lot during my search, but below is a recounting of what I did find with some of my thoughts.

above from:

This tells  me that at least one of the William Webbs in Warren County is NOT my ancestor as my William Webb has wife, Nancy.

The above land transaction gives an indication of where Eli Webb owned land in Warren County, Ky. This abstraction is taken from the below book:

 and from same book, the following indicating where Martin Webb owned land  as well:

and the below from same book.  Again indicating where Eli Webb owned land and also that it is likely that Eli and Lazarus were acquainted and probably related since Lazarus is a witness for Eli.

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