Sunday, February 23, 2020

McNeely connections?

I am in Boston with Sarah and her family this weekend.  I was working on cleaning up my home screen a bit and found the below.  I have made no notes that I can find where I took this screen shot.  Nor anything about the validity of the information.  So this post is about what I am reading in this screen shot and what I might know.

If this screen shot has any validity, The Dickey family and the McNeely family that I look at may have come to our shores together.  Then the families traveling together went up the Shenandoah Valley via the Old Wagon Road to settle on Meachums River in what is now Albemarle County, Virginia.  

Ok this time I will note from where the screen shot below is taken.

The Presbyterian Historical Almanac and Annual Remembrancer of the ..., Volume 6

By Joseph M. Wilson

I viewed the below as a free ebook on Google books.,+Va&source=bl&ots=o64rUTIC0K&sig=ACfU3U0tHkOz-c8YUPHn3vm1OcbFz7VuCQ&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwi55oOM5-fnAhXQlHIEHTSPBbUQ6AEwCHoECAwQAQ#v=onepage&q=Meachums%20River%20in%20Albemarle%20County%2C%20Va&f=false

So the question that is in my mind today is if this is my McNeely family.  Many researchers give the wife of David/Jagger McNeely as having been Rebecca Dickey.  Were the McNeely family and the Dickey family still traveling together in the late 1700s when David/Jagger might have been looking for a wife?

That is all the time that I have this morning.  I'll give this some more thought.  One more idea that I might want to look at is that there are road orders for Albemarle on-line.  If I did the research to find to whom the McNeely family sold their land after living in this area (if this is even true), I might use the road orders to zero in on just where they lived as well as the Dickey family and friends:  Woods

Another thing to follow up on is information given by Laura McKenzie:

REPORTEDLY, Robert McNeely is the spouse of Dorotha <sic> WOODS.   Now if Dorotha is part of Michael Woods' family.......

 And Laura also sent the following link with information about connections between some of these families:


  1. Your Moniker seems familiar? Are you and I dna matches? Please feel free to contact me directly at marsha
