Wednesday, February 12, 2020

The Carey family

Mike's match with me on Chromosome #13 has had me digging as fast as possible on my Cooley family as I felt sure of the fact that that is where we would find our common ancestors.  Why?  Because both of us had ancestors in Fairfield Connecticut from the 1600s.

However, I have decided to step back for a little while and look at my Carey line instead of the Cooley line.  The segment that we share on Chromosome #13 has to come to me from either Absolom Carey or his wife Temperance Cooley.

One of the first trees that I looked at on Ancestry belongs to jecinri and can be found at:

in order to get to Elihu Carey and his wife, Elizabeth North one follows the ancestors of the very top name, William Cox, Jr..

Somehow the Cooley connection would make more sense.  I am not ready to abandon the Cooley search for the Carey connection yet.

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