Last fall when we had our Morrison homecoming in Pittsylvania County, I wrote a blog post that includes information about the location of this land close to the end of the post:
Jason and I exchanged contact information and yesterday morning I sent him an e-mail giving him some information about my Morrison line and the Goad line that is intermarried and living next door in Pittsylvania County. Also I included information about who had signed:
Petition for the State of Franklin was made to the General Assembly of North Carolina in December 1787. It is also known both as “Petition from Inhabitants of Western North Carolina Concerning a Separate Government” and “Petition of the Inhabitants of the Western Country.
You can find this information on my blog post (again close to the end)
Patrick Morrison and his family, John Goad Jr. (interpreted as Good in the document transcription that I looked at) and Gabrielle Goad and William Goad as well as Owen Atkin and Benjamin Hensley signed. Almost certainly these people were moving together from Pittsylania County area to the Nolichuky and Wautauga area. There may have been others that I don't recognize yet. Jason's answer to my e-mail indicated that the Goad family may have been the driving force for this move! John Sevier was the nephew of John Goad, Jr. Sevier was the son of John Goad Jr's sister, Joanna, who had married Valentine Sevier. There was family over among the inhabitants of the Western Country!
So here is the information that Jason Goad shared with me:
It looks like this is one of the John Goads in my direct blood line. The name John and Aaron go back hundreds of years and seem to alternate. But, if you look at the entries from 1753 you will see Pittsylvania county. Also, if you ever have any questions about Goads, the Michael Nestor (whose email is at the top) knows more than anybody. Anyway here is the link:
And here is the information from Michael Nestor's site that is relevant:
1771, 23 Jul Bedford Co Will Bk 1, p 132-34 (dated 7 Jul): John Goad's will proven, executor his son John. Listed daus Joannah
. Sevear, Elisabeth Cox, Hanna Bennet, Ann Risden, sons William, Abraham, Robert, William, son Abraham's son James, and
. grandson Thomas Goad, son of John, and wife Ann Goad:
. In the Name of God Amen:
. I John Goad of Bedford County, Being in Perfect Sence and Memory, do constitute and appoint, this my last wlll and Testament.
. Emprimus First, I Bequeath my Soul, to Almighty Goad that gave it me, and my Body, to be Buried in A Christian like manner, at the descretion of
. my Executor.
. Item I give to my Daughter, Joannah Sevear, one Shilling Sterling, to be paid out of my Estate.
. Item I give to my Daughter, Elisabeth Cox, one Shilling Sterling, to be paid out of my Estate.
. Item I give to my Daughter, Hannah Bennet, one Shilling Sterling, to be paid out of my Estate.
. Item I give to my Daughter, Ann Risden, one Shilling Sterling, to be paid out of my Estate.
. Item I give to my Son, William, one Shilling Sterling, to be paid out of my Estate.
. Item I give to my Son, Abraham, one Shilling Sterling, to be paid out of my Estate.
. Item I give to my Son, Robert, one Shilling Sterling, to be paid out of my Estate.
. Item I lend to my Son, William, the Use of my Cow known by the Name of Blossom, with her Increase, till his son John, Shall come to the
. age of twenty one years, and then the property to vest in Sd. John, But if the Sd John Shoud die, without heir, then the Sd. Cow and her
. Increase to be devided among the rest of my Son William's Children.
. Item I lend to my Son, Abraham, the Use of my Cow known by the Name of Star, with her Increase, till his son James Shall come to the age
. of twenty one years, and then the property to vest in Sd. James, But if Sd James Should die without heir then the Said Cow, with her
. Increase to be devided among the rest of my son Abraham's Children.
. Item I give to my Grandson, Thomas Goad, Son of John Goad, my least gun.
. Item I give to James Waldrop, the gun he has, of mine.
. Item I give to my Loving Wife, Ann Goad, all of the Estate that She brought with her, when we was married, and all the rest of my personal
. Estate, not yet menion'd, after my Just Debts is paid, I lend her the use of During her widowhood, and at her marriage, or Death, to be
. Equally Devided between my son John Goad and his Children.
. Item I lend to my Son, William Goad, the use, of that part of my land that he now lives on, as it is mark'd of to him During his life, and at his
. Death, the property to vest in his son, John Goad, and his heirs for ever.
. Item I lend to my Son Abraham Goad the use of that part of my land that he now lives on, as it is mark'd of to him, During his life, and at his
. Death the property to vest in his son James Goad and his heirs for ever.
. Item I lend to my Loving Wife the use of that part of my land where on I now live as it is laid of to her which She agrees to take for her thirds
. During her life.
. Item I lend to my Son, Robert Goad, the use of the upper part of my Land as it is mark'd of to him, and that part, that is laid of for my wifes
. thirds, after her death. I also lend him the use of as long as he lives, and at his Death the property to vest in his Son, Thomas Goad, and
. his heirs for ever.
. Item My Will and Desire is, that my Son John Goad, do receive all my Just dues, and pay of all my Just Debts, out of my personal Estate, if
. My Dues Should not be Soficient.
. Item I constitute and appoint, my Son, John Goad, Executor of this my last Will and Testament, given under my hand and Seal, this Seventh
. Day of July 1771.
. Interlined before signed his
. (the use of) JOHN GOAD Imprimus Seal
. In the presence of Edward Wade, hand and
. Geo. Phillips, Peter Bennet
. Sevear, Elisabeth Cox, Hanna Bennet, Ann Risden, sons William, Abraham, Robert, William, son Abraham's son James, and
. grandson Thomas Goad, son of John, and wife Ann Goad:
. In the Name of God Amen:
. I John Goad of Bedford County, Being in Perfect Sence and Memory, do constitute and appoint, this my last wlll and Testament.
. Emprimus First, I Bequeath my Soul, to Almighty Goad that gave it me, and my Body, to be Buried in A Christian like manner, at the descretion of
. my Executor.
. Item I give to my Daughter, Joannah Sevear, one Shilling Sterling, to be paid out of my Estate.
. Item I give to my Daughter, Elisabeth Cox, one Shilling Sterling, to be paid out of my Estate.
. Item I give to my Daughter, Hannah Bennet, one Shilling Sterling, to be paid out of my Estate.
. Item I give to my Daughter, Ann Risden, one Shilling Sterling, to be paid out of my Estate.
. Item I give to my Son, William, one Shilling Sterling, to be paid out of my Estate.
. Item I give to my Son, Abraham, one Shilling Sterling, to be paid out of my Estate.
. Item I give to my Son, Robert, one Shilling Sterling, to be paid out of my Estate.
. Item I lend to my Son, William, the Use of my Cow known by the Name of Blossom, with her Increase, till his son John, Shall come to the
. age of twenty one years, and then the property to vest in Sd. John, But if the Sd John Shoud die, without heir, then the Sd. Cow and her
. Increase to be devided among the rest of my Son William's Children.
. Item I lend to my Son, Abraham, the Use of my Cow known by the Name of Star, with her Increase, till his son James Shall come to the age
. of twenty one years, and then the property to vest in Sd. James, But if Sd James Should die without heir then the Said Cow, with her
. Increase to be devided among the rest of my son Abraham's Children.
. Item I give to my Grandson, Thomas Goad, Son of John Goad, my least gun.
. Item I give to James Waldrop, the gun he has, of mine.
. Item I give to my Loving Wife, Ann Goad, all of the Estate that She brought with her, when we was married, and all the rest of my personal
. Estate, not yet menion'd, after my Just Debts is paid, I lend her the use of During her widowhood, and at her marriage, or Death, to be
. Equally Devided between my son John Goad and his Children.
. Item I lend to my Son, William Goad, the use, of that part of my land that he now lives on, as it is mark'd of to him During his life, and at his
. Death, the property to vest in his son, John Goad, and his heirs for ever.
. Item I lend to my Son Abraham Goad the use of that part of my land that he now lives on, as it is mark'd of to him, During his life, and at his
. Death the property to vest in his son James Goad and his heirs for ever.
. Item I lend to my Loving Wife the use of that part of my land where on I now live as it is laid of to her which She agrees to take for her thirds
. During her life.
. Item I lend to my Son, Robert Goad, the use of the upper part of my Land as it is mark'd of to him, and that part, that is laid of for my wifes
. thirds, after her death. I also lend him the use of as long as he lives, and at his Death the property to vest in his Son, Thomas Goad, and
. his heirs for ever.
. Item My Will and Desire is, that my Son John Goad, do receive all my Just dues, and pay of all my Just Debts, out of my personal Estate, if
. My Dues Should not be Soficient.
. Item I constitute and appoint, my Son, John Goad, Executor of this my last Will and Testament, given under my hand and Seal, this Seventh
. Day of July 1771.
. Interlined before signed his
. (the use of) JOHN GOAD Imprimus Seal
. In the presence of Edward Wade, hand and
. Geo. Phillips, Peter Bennet
on the rest of the information in Michael Nestor's VERY helpful timeline I would comment that The main thing that Michael Nester forgot or ignored in the timeline are the dates of the formation of the counties. Lunenburg was not created out of Brunswick until 1746 and Pittsylvania County was not created out of Halifax until 1766. But it is clear that these Goads were all living down in the area of what is now Bedford and Pittsylvania Counties as early as our Morrisons and etc.

Two more thoughts that I might think about another day: First that we could probably figure out which John Goad it is living next door to Patrick Morrison by marriage dates. I don't have the intermarriages between the Goad family and the Morrison family in my head. Need to work with my h2 Morrison group on that. and second is a crazy random idea:
I pulled out my Richmond County book on marriages and relationships….I wish that I had a will book instead so that I could have looked at a transcription of the will of 1737 for which John Goad was administrator or executor…can’t remember which…but Catherine Williams Goad (wife of Abraham Goad in Richmond County) who was the mother and grandmother of all of this brood of Goads married 2nd (after death of her Goad husband) William Smith. Funny coincidence, huh? There are lots of Smiths! So may or may not be of interest.
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