I have been a bit distracted from the Webb families that I was looking at a few weeks ago. I spent the day in early August at the Kentucky archives. At the end of the day I was certain that the marriage found in the late 1700's in Bourbon County, Kentucky was not the marriage of MY William and Nancy Webb. Another researcher has indicated that there were two separate unrelated Webb lines in the Barren/Warren County area of Kentucky in the late 1700's and early 1800's. One is a family with names Merry and Martin. The other unrelated line has Lazarus and Moses who she says moved North about 1800. Since my Webb line moved from Kentucky to Clay County, Illinois before 1829, I will eventually look at both lines. But tonight I am zeroing in on the line that has names of Merry and Martin. The reason for my post is that I was unpacking and found a book called Footprints from the Old Survey Books of Halifax and Pittsylvania Counties in Virginia by Roger C. Dodson. And as I read a few of the introductory pages and flipped through the rest of the book before adding it to my Virginia shelf, page 102 jumped out at me and there were the names of Merry and Martin Webb.
This is one of those wonderful books that I have learned to think: "He just doesn't charge enough for the work that goes into publication"

Lunenburg County was formed out of Brunswick County in 1746. It was a huge county and probably had just enough settlers to ask the Virginia assembly to make a more convenient County Seat to serve these settlers who were on the Western Frontier.
Mr. Dodson says that in the middle of the 18th Century, there were three actions of settlers: 1. entry, 2. survey, and 2. grant of patent. This book indexes the surveys in land that later became Halifax and Pittsylvania Counties.
The Webb men that are mentioned are Martin, Merah, Merry, Thomas and William. All had surveys made between 1747 and 1768. Four of the surveys were made in April 1768 for Martin, Merry, Merry, and Thomas.
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